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Motion Preservation Devices

Compliant Mechanisms as Spinal Motion Restoration Systems

Spinal fusion is a surgical technique in which two or more vertebrae of the spine are united together via bone grafts and spinal instrumentation. The goal of spinal fusion is to encourage bone growth between the vertebrae such that mechanically the two vertebrae move as one, removing motion at the degenerated segment. Spinal fusion is not universally effective, and a recent study reported patient satisfaction rates with the procedure at 53%. Despite mediocre patient satisfaction rates with lumbar spinal fusion, demand is projected to grow by 2200% from 2005 to 2030. Our current understanding of the mechanical repercussions of spinal fusion on adjacent levels is not yet fully developed. There is some evidence that degenerative changes in intervertebral discs at levels adjacent to spinal fusion may simply be the result of natural aging processes. Recent studies however, have indicated that adjacent level intervertebral disc degeneration is accelerated following fusion surgery.

As an alternative to fusion, there has been significant effort expended over the last decade towards development of motion preservation and motion restoration devices for the spine. The first generation versions of these motion restoration devices (MRDs) have entered the US market over the last five years, and the short term results for these devices have been encouraging. However, the biomechanical characteristics of these devices are significantly different from those of intact spinal motions segments, and there are substantial questions regarding the medium- and long-term biomechanical response of the surrounding host environment following surgical treatment with these devices.

Compliant mechanisms have properties that make them uniquely suited for motion restoration devices: they gain their motion from the deflection of flexible members rather than from traditional articulated components, they are compact, high precision devices that are capable of sophisticated force-displacement profiles, and they generate little or no wear. The spinal disc itself is a compliant mechanism. This and other highly evolved compliant systems in nature are complex but compact and efficient, and compliant mechanism theory allows these properties to be accessible to man-made systems.

Working in collaboration with the BYU Compliant Mechanisms Research group (, we have developed two motion restoration devices with pending patents that have been licensed by Crocker Spinal Technologies. For more information on these products, please see their website (

The FlexBAC™ lumbar total disc replacement.
The FlexSuRe™ posterior dynamic motion restoration system.

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Stratton, E., Howell, L.L., and Bowden, A. (2010). “Force-displacement Model of the FlexSuReTM Spinal Implant.” Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Montreal, Quebec, Aug 15-18, 2010, DETC2010- 28476.

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Bowden, A. E. and M. L. Villarraga (2006). "In situ biomechanics of total facet replacement using finite element analysis." Proc 21st Ann Mtg of NASS SIPP #4: 140.

Rundell, S., A. E. Bowden, M. L. Villarraga, Q. Zhu and P. Cripton (2006). Validation of experimental implant-bone interface load measurement for a facet replacement device using finite element analysis. Spine Arthroplasty Summit 6, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May 10-13.

Bowden, A. E., S. M. Kurtz and A. A. Edidin (2005). Biomechanical analysis of polyethylene stresses in the Charit„ total disc replacement. Spine Arthroplasty Summit 5, New York City, NY, May 4-7.

Bowden, A. E., S. M. Kurtz, D. MacDonald and A. A. Edidin (2005). "Long-term 3D wear patterns in retrieved acetabular liners." Trans ORS 31: Poster 0668.