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Getting Involved

Potential Graduate Students

If you are a potential graduate student with a strong interest in spinal biomechanics, you are encouraged to communicate directly with the lab director (Dr. Anton Bowden) regarding your interest and qualifications. In general, successful applicants will meet the following criteria:

  • Meet the requirements for acceptance into the BYU mechanical engineering graduate program (link)
  • Have a strong background in mechanics and/or materials
  • Have an interest in one of our lab focus areas
    • mechanical testing of biological materials (e.g., ligaments, tendons, spinal discs)
    • computational modeling of biological materials (e.g., finite element analysis)
    • medical implant design
  • Have a basic understanding of physiology and anatomy
  • Have demonstrated a commitment to becoming a leader in their chosen profession
  • Demonstrate a passion for biomechanics!

Potential Undergraduate Students

Applications from potential undergraduate students with a strong interest in biomechanics are considered once per year (typically the first week of August).At that time, you are encouraged to communicate directly with lab director (Dr. Anton Bowden) regarding your interest and qualifications. Typically there are 2-4 new positions available each year and acceptance into the lab is highly competitive. In general, successful applicants will meet the following criteria:

  • Be in good standing in their professional undergraduate program
  • Have an excellent academic record
  • Have an interest in one of our lab focus areas
    • mechanical testing of biological materials (e.g., ligaments, tendons, spinal discs)
    • computational modeling of biological materials (e.g., finite element analysis)
    • medical implant design
  • Have demonstrated a commitment to becoming a leader in their chosen profession
  • Demonstrate a passion for biomechanics!